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Fire Suppression Industries
TOLLFREE (800) 985-2173
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Fire safety solutions for transportation applications
A fire inside the engine compartment of your vehicle can cause horrendous damage. The cost to replace the damaged equipment could be in the tens of thousands of dollars. Installing a SUPPRESSALL™ Aerosol fire suppression system inside these compartments could save your vehicle and possibly lives!
Fire Suppression Industries offers its customers the best fire suppression systems for the protection of engine compartments or trailers.
SUPPRESSALL™ Vehicle Suppression Systems are manufactured for:
Buses (all types)
Tractor/trailer combinations (or seperate)
Boats (all types and sizes)
Mining equipment
Portable generators
Emergency power generators
All other heavy-duty vehicles
Our systems are specifically selected to endure the
difficult environmental and mechanical conditions
that exist inside vehicle engine compartments.
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Automatic Vehicle Fire Detection and Suppression protection for Vehicles of all types.
SUPPRESSALL™ Aerosol fire suppression systems can fully extinguish engine fires within seconds. Requiring no pressurized tanks or piping, SUPPRESSALL™ Aerosol Generators can be retrofitted into any school bus within a couple of hours. Each unit has a 15 year shelf life, 2 year warranty.