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Science and Environment






SUPPRESSALL™ Aerosol is environmentally friendly

  • Zero Ozone Depletion Potential

  • Zero Global Warming Potential

  • EPA SNAP listed as Halon alternative 

Testing completed within the US Armed Forces and also in a host of International laboratories regularly demonstrates that SUPPRESSALL™ Type Condensed Aerosol has zero effects on the environment on land, air, or sea. 

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What is condensed aerosol fire suppression?

Condensed aerosol is a  particle-based form of fire extinction similar to gaseous fire suppression or dry chemical fire extinction. The aerosol employs a fire extinguishing agent consisting of very fine solid particles(<5µ microns) and gaseous matter to extinguish fires. The condensed aerosol micro-particles and effluent gases are generated by the exothermic reaction; until discharged from the device, the particles remain in vapor state. They are cooled and "condensed" within the device and discharged as solid particles.

Compared to gaseous suppressants, which emit only gas, and dry chemical suppression agents, which are powder-like particles of a large size (25–150 microns), condensed aerosols are defined by the NFPA as releasing finely-divided solids of less than 10 microns in diameter. The solid particulates have a considerably smaller mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) than those of dry chemical suppression agents, remain airborne significantly longer(up to an hour in some cases), and leave much less residue within the protected area. Whereas dry chemical systems must be directly aimed at the flame, condensed aerosols are flooding agents and therefore effective regardless of the location and height of the fire. Wet chemical systems, such as the kind generally found in foam extinguishers, must, similarly to dry chemical systems, be sprayed directionally onto the fire. The condensed aerosol agent can be delivered by means of mechanical operation, electric operation, or combined electro-mechanical operation.

The extinguishing performance of condensed aerosol fire suppressants is dependent on the density of aerosol particulates in the immediate vicinity of the flame,(Class A around 100g/m³). As with gaseous fire suppression systems, the faster the agent can build around the flame, the more efficient the extinguishing agent will be in terminating the flame’s combustion process. The extinguishing and design densities of aerosol fire suppression agents are generally expressed in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3 or grams per cubic meter, m³). Thus, the efficiency of aerosol extinguishing agents varies depending on a number of factors, such as the location of the aerosol relative to the flame, the proximity of other combustible flammable materials, the type of fuel involved, etc.

All Condensed aerosol devices are designed to provide a controlled discharge. The aerosol-forming compound is installed inside of the device, which is then fitted with either an electric or mechanical igniter. The electric igniter is interfaced with a fire detection control unit or panel, which can be remotely operated by physical means or hand operated by pulling a pin as in the SUPPRESSALL™  FS2) , or automatic and self-triggering when outfitted with an heat-sensing device.

Local application fire suppression is typically applied by a handheld portable device tossed directly toward the fire. Unlike streaming portable fire extinguishing units, the operators are not required to place themselves at risk by approaching the fire while applying the extinguishing agent directly at the flames. The portable condensed aerosol device is typically designed to disperse aerosol in a 360° spray pattern, forming a large aerosol cloud around the vicinity of the fire. The aerosol immediately attacks the flames as its particles approach the fire and generate flame-neutralizing potassium radicals. The flames are suppressed as long as the aerosol retains sufficient density. If the aerosol fails to achieve sufficient density to extinguish the fire, it will still suppress the fire, which will retain significantly lower heat. This offers firefighters, for instance, a tool to bring down flames to a manageable heat level and reduce room temperatures while the hose team enters the burning area. As another example, First Responders can deploy condensed aerosols within an enclosed area to suppress fires while evacuating occupants to safety.

Condensed aerosol systems are suitable for special hazards applications as replacements for Halon 1301 systems and high-pressure carbon dioxide systems. Aerosol systems can also be used as alternatives to clean agent gaseous suppressants or water-mist systems.ressants or water-mist systems

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