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About our company


Who We Are

Fire Suppression Industries markets, manufactures and distributes our innovative SUPPRESSALL brand aerosol fire suppression technology all over the world. Our products are utilized in every state within the continental United States as well as in a dozen countries or more. Our distributors and sales representatives are located strategically throughout the world.  

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What We Sell

A full line of fire suppression and fire detection products including our own brand hand-held fire suppression tool, The SUPPRESSALL™ FS2

We offer our own SUPPRESSALL aerosol fixed system solutions.

Fire Suppression Industries is "An OEM of Protectowire FireSystems"

We also are a dedicated distrobutor for Plasticase and their Brand "NANUK" cases.


Who We Sell To

Professional firefighters and first responders, the aviation industry, professional fire suppression and installation companies, commercial and industrial building managers, builders, the telecommunications industry, the transportation industry, the maritime industry (including boat builders, cruise lines, maritime shipping and the fishing industry), distribution / retail and wholesale, the utility industry, the hospitality. industry, the construction industry and many more.


About our Industry

The aerosol fire suppression industry has continued to grow exponentially year after year. The need for a light weight, powerful, cost effective and easy to install fire suppression system, coupled with an environmentally friendly alternative to other gaseous fire suppression agents, is very attractive to all.


SUPPRESSALL™ Aerosol is currently installed in every major industrial and commercial market. The R&D being accomplished every year on formulations and delivery systems will allow aerosol fire suppression to take the place of HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons) and HCFC (Hydrochlorofluorocarbon) which are already being targeted to be phased out of production. 


Condensed aerosol suppression systems are an innovative and green way to suppress fires. Our aerosol was developed as a Halon replacement, providing a greater margin of safety and sustainability in today's market. Our systems are simple to install and require no piping. They have Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Zero Global Warming Potential (GWP) and are non-toxic, non-conductive and non-corrosive.

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