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Fire Suppression Industries
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Fire suppression systems for wind turbines
Since the turn of the millennium the world has seen an enormous increase in wind parks providing the world with all the benefits of sustainable energy.
At the same time the wind industry recognizes a growing concern with regards to fire safety in wind turbines.
Fire represents 10% - 30% of all accidents in wind turbines every year. The main causes of fire ignition in wind turbines are lighting strikes, electrical malfunction, mechanical malfunction and hot work maintenance.
Once a fire is ignited in a wind turbine, the situation rapidly escalates because the high wind favored by turbine locations enhances the supply of oxygen which feeds the fires growth exponentially. In 90% of the cases, the fire leads to a total loss of the wind turbine or at least vast downtime that results in the mounting economic losses.
Designing a fire suppression system for wind turbine nacelles brings with it some unique challenges:
The fuel load (polymers, insulation, cables and oils) inside a wind turbine nacelle is extremely large.
Highly flammable materials inside the turbine nacelle are packed in close proximity to potential ignition sources.
High winds and openings cause rapid escalation of starting fires
The fire department cannot intervene because of the turbine height.
As all round supplier of fire suppression systems, Fire Suppression Industries offers tailored fire detection and suppression systems for wind turbines. Every fire safety solution offered by Fire Suppression Industries is carefully reviewed based upon quality, durability, effectiveness, consequential damages, environment, personal safety and costs.
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